Today,as I was browsing over I got an idea of this.I think many of you readers might have known that a combination of ALT+some keys on numpad gives special characters.As gtalk doesn't have good smiley features ,I thought may be it has atleast this and tried random combinations.Many of the standard windows combinations didn't work but many other did.So I went on trying and got the following sets.There are obviously many more which you can search yourself.Please notify me if you find some cool characters.
For a newbie,to type this in your Gtalk message,use like this.Hold on your ALT key down and simultaneously press the following combination of numbers to get the shown character.Remember the numbers you type must be from the right side "numpad" not the top ones.
Here A corresponds to the ALT Key
± | A241 |
ঘ | A2456 |
ਉ | A2569 |
Ā | A2567 |
ਈ | A2568 |
搩 | A25641 |
ਂ | A2562 |
搩 | A25641 |
搪 | A25642 |
搫 | A25643 |
搬 | A25644 |
搭 | A25645 |
搮 | A25646 |
搯 | A25647 |
搰 | A25648 |
搱 | A25649 |
搨 | A25640 |
搟 | A25631 |
搠 | A25632 |
搡 | A25633 |
搣 | A25635 |
搤 | A25636 |
搥 | A25637 |
搧 | A25639 |
搔 | A25620 |
搕 | A25621 |
搖 | A25622 |
搗 | A25623 |
搘 | A25624 |
搙 | A25625 |
搚 | A25626 |
搛 | A25627 |
搜 | A25628 |
搝 | A25629 |
搋 | A25611 |
搌 | A25612 |
損 | A25613 |
搎 | A25614 |
搏 | A25615 |
搐 | A25616 |
搑 | A25617 |
搓 | A25619 |
搀 | A25600 |
搁 | A25601 |
搂 | A25602 |
搃 | A25603 |
搆 | A25606 |
搇 | A25607 |
搈 | A25608 |
搉 | A25609 |
촕 | A123456789 |
慎 | A12345678 |
횇 | A1234567 |
梱 | A987654321 |
羱 | A87654321 |
쮱 | A7654321 |
捁 | A987456321 |
扻 | A987456123 |
싟 | A987415263 |
楨 | A951478632 |
뤊 | A95123874 |
縹 | A123698745 |
hei...i cannot c ny of the special characters in the list...!!!
Cool!!!..How To Print a Heart?
You can use ALT with 3 to do that...
~Alt 3 doesn't work for gtalk. :P
Mosta the regular alt codes don't. D:
a * before and after a word or some text bolds everything in between. anyone know any other useful tricks?
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